23 matches completed from week 3 fixture at Peter May Sports Centre on Saturday 12th Oct 2019 and Club Challengers are still leading way ahead in the table with 21 wins out of their 26 matches. London Desperados with…

31 matches completed in the week 2 fixture at Redbridge Leisure Centre on Saturday 05th Oct 2019 and Club Challengers are still leading way ahead in the table with 21 wins out of their 26 matches. London Desperados moved…

Congratulation East Ham A, winners of LSL football tournament 3rd time in a row and SLB Croydon, runners-up in their first appearance LSL. Well done all participating clubs, you were all amazing this year. Excellent performance from East Ham United…

Yet another initiative from London Sports League to start Badminton Championship on a league basis. Many of LSL member clubs participated with their teams in the competition on Saturday 21st September 2019 at School 21 sports hall at Stratford. 17…